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SGS revalidates the Seal of Quality at our stations in La Jonquera and Mercabarna

Refuelling with fuel of the highest quality contributes to better engine performance and longer vehicle life. At OnTurtle we know this, which is why fuel quality is an aspect we have taken care of from start to finish from the very beginning. Today, we have been displaying the prestigious SGS Seal of Quality for seven consecutive years at our OnTurtle-La Jonquera, La Jonquera-Auto and Mercabarna service stations.

A label that analyses the quality of the fuel throughout the entire supply chain, from unloading to refuelling, and also takes into account the maintenance of the service station.

Seven years supplying fuel of the highest quality

SGS, a world leader in certification, inspection, verification and testing, recognises service stations with this mark after a strict audit in which the quality standards necessary to offer a fuel are guaranteed.

OnTurtle was the first company in the industry to achieve the SGS Seal of Quality, which certifies that the fuel supplied at our stations meets the highest quality standards.

This recognition has remained intact throughout these seven years, uninterruptedly, thanks to the refurbishment of our OnTurtle-La Jonquera service area, La Jonquera Auto and our Mercabarna station, with technological innovation and the utmost care.

The programme analyses a number of metrics that we at OnTurtle exceeded for the first time in 2017 and have maintained for almost a decade.

Microfiltration to ensure fuel quality

To assess the quality of the fuel, SGS takes into account the entire supply chain, even before the fuel arrives at the station. The condition and maintenance of tanks and dispensers is also assessed during the audit.

In this sense, our OnTurtle – La Jonquera station has been a pioneering service area for professional transport, especially in terms of technology. In addition to a microfiltration plant that analyses the fuel for any naturally occurring impurities, such as suspended or dissolved solids, moisture or bacteria, a telematic laser particle counter was installed in 2021 for further monitoring. Fuel tank unloading is controlled automatically, which provides greater efficiency and agility should product contamination be detected.

A system that favours the supply of fuel of the highest quality for a cleaner combustion of the engine, thus improving its service life.