Perfect for the payment of subsidised diesel
The Go B card is specifically designed for refrigerated vehicles and is specifically for subsidised diesel fuel
Our card for the payment of B, or subsidised, diesel fuel is perfect for refrigerated vehicles. The DieselCard Go B is accepted at service stations in Spain and offers you unique benefits. In addition, it provides OnTurtle security thanks to PIN code validation and can also be managed by the carrier through the Customer Area.
There is no registration or renewal fee. You will be able to use it in ES OnTurtle stations Mercabarna (Barcelona), OnTurtle Jonquera (Girona), Posada de Llanes (Asturias), Uclés (Cuenca), Moguer (Huelva), Librilla (Murcia), Vera de Bidasoa (Navarre), Tarragona (Tarragona), Torremocha (Teruel) and La Joyosa (Zaragoza).


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