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The world of energy and transport is undergoing a significant transformation in search of more
sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions. In this context, a major player has
emerged: HVO, Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil a renewable diesel fuel that promises to change
the way we understand mobility and ecology. In this article, we will explore what HVO is, its
unique characteristics, the benefits it brings and a list of petrol stations in Europe where you
can find it.

¿What is HVO? 

HVO, or Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil is a type of renewable diesel fuel obtained from vegetable
oils and animal fats through a hydrotreating process. In this process, impurities and unwanted
compounds are removed from the oil, resulting in a high quality diesel with an extremely low
sulphur content. This transformation makes HVO a very promising alternative to conventional
diesel fuel.

Characteristics of HVO 

  1. Low Sulphur Content: HVO is characterised by its near-zero sulphur content, which significantly reduces the emission of sulphur oxides and contributes to improved air quality. 
  2. Biodegradable and Renewable: Derived from plant and animal sources, HVO is biodegradable and comes from renewable resources, reducing the carbon footprint and dependence on fossil fuels. 
  3. Universal Compatibility: One of the key advantages of HVO is that it can be used on existing diesel engines with no modifications necessary. This facilitates their adoption in vehicle fleets and industrial machinery. 
  4. Emissions Reduction: Compared to conventional diesels, HVO is known for its ability to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This makes it a valuable tool in the fight against climate change. 

Benefits of HVO  

  1. Environmental Sustainability: The use of HVO has a positive impact on environmental sustainability by reducing both greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. 
  2. It improves Air Quality: Thanks to its low sulphur content and ability to burn cleaner, HVO contributes to better air quality in urban areas and sensitive zones. 
  3. Smooth Transition: The compatibility of HVO with conventional diesel engines allows for a smooth transition towards a more sustainable energy source without major infrastructure investments. 
  4. Efficiency and Performance: Engines running on HVO can experience higher efficiency and lower wear, resulting in optimal performance and longer life. 

In short, HVO is marking a new chapter in the history of diesel fuels, offering a renewable and sustainable alternative that benefits both the environment and engine efficiency. Its ability to reduce emissions, its compatibility with existing engines and its contribution to improving air quality make it an exciting option for the future of mobility and energy.