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The Seal of Quality, which recognizes the highest quality of fuel and service in our OnTurtle-La Jonquera, La Jonquera Auto and OnTurtle-Mercabarna areas, will continue to be displayed at the pumps for another year. The world’s leading certification, inspection, verification and testing firm, SGS, has revalidated this endorsement for the eighth consecutive year. A seal that once again demonstrates our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction.

A seal of excellence

What does it mean to have the SGS seal in our service areas? It is a mark that guarantees that the fuel dispensed meets the highest quality standards. The prestigious SGS Seal of Quality program involves a strict audit to ensure that this level is maintained. The objective is to ensure that the final product meets the required technical specifications. These are some of the criteria that are usually evaluated in terms of fuel quality:

  • Regulatory compliance: comply with all national and international regulations in terms of composition, octane, sulfur content and other parameters.
  • Traceability: from its origin to the service station, which implies strict control of the supply chain.
  • Periodic analysis: frequent fuel analysis is carried out to verify that the fuel remains within the established limits.

A fuel dispenser bearing the SGS quality seal, therefore, implies that you are purchasing a product that has undergone periodic control to ensure its excellence. This refueling will improve the performance of the vehicle’s engine and contribute to extending its service life.

A state-of-the-art microfiltration plant

At OnTurtle, we were pioneers in installing a microfiltration plant to examine the fuel before refueling. A machine that, since 2021, has also been equipped with a telematic laser particle counter for more rigorous real-time control. Thanks to this, we can guarantee the removal of any impurities that the fuel may naturally contain, such as suspended or dissolved solids, moisture or bacteria. This type of technology also provides adequate control of all quality-related documentation, such as analysis results, maintenance records and operating procedures.

In addition, the station has a preventive maintenance plan to ensure the correct operation of all the equipment, from the pumps to the storage tanks. Measuring equipment is periodically calibrated to ensure accuracy in fuel dispensing.

The parameters of the SGS quality seal, however, not only take into account the fuel, but also aspects such as the condition and maintenance of the facilities. And we at OnTurtle have long-standing experience in this regard.

La Jonquera: a service area designed for the comfort of the haulier

The SGS audit to guarantee the quality required in the Seal of Quality program goes beyond fuel, it also considers other aspects related to facilities and equipment. Inaugurated in 1995, our service area in La Jonquera has become a benchmark for international transport as it crosses the border with France.

For example, in our commitment to innovation, the facilities in La Jonquera have always had the professional driver as a priority, guaranteeing a quality rest. It has all the services for the professional driver, such as toilets, showers, laundry, hotel, supermarket, store and restaurant.

Factors such as safety and sustainability, well considered in SGS audits, also apply to our own stations. And our truck parking in La Jonquera has been considered the best parking in Europe in the ESPORG European Excellence in Truck Parking Award 2024. It is a parking lot approved for its security, endorsed by TAPA and ESPORG with the GOLD category, which is also fenced and video-surveilled 24 hours a day.